Tuesday 19 June 2012

Why are 97% of People Not Making Money in Network Marketing? (Part I)

At some point in your life you needed to make some extra money. However, what was holding you back was you really did not have a lot of extra time to fit a part time job into your already busy lifestyle. So you considered other options like working from home. Over the years you had heard of people making money in Network Marketing, but never actually knew anyone that had actually done it. The conversation had come up at work a few times and you had also seen some ads on Facebook of how to make money online. In most of the ads it appeared as if people were literally becoming rich overnight in Network Marketing. Although you had clicked on the ads before you never quite took them seriously because you really did not know the people behind the ads.

So one day you were on Facebook talking to a friend and he ask you if you were open to making some extra money from home. You told him you were definitely interested. So he sends you the information and you watch a presentation and it really sounded great. So you watched it again then decided you wanted to do it but you needed to ask him a few more questions. So you talk to him again he tells you he had been doing this for about 3 months and was making about $1000 a month. He says all he does is run some ads on Facebook. So you decide to join his Network Marketing Opportunity at a cost of $100 per month. Then after you join, you immediately jump online and start doing exactly what he was doing; running an ad on Facebook. You notice though that there are thousands of ads running on facebook that are similar to yours. You really don't care because in your mind you really think your ad is better than the thousands of others. You believe that it's just something about your ad that stands out. You do this everyday for weeks and weeks and it doesn't work. So you try multiple ads and then different kinds of ads and finally you get 1 PROSPECT.  However that 1 prospect was unwilling to join your Network Opportunity at $100 per month.  Still you were just so happy to get 1 prospect, you decided you needed more advertising.  So you started to write a few blogs and then you got another prospect.  However the first prospect moves on and decides he will take a look at another Network Marketing Opportunity.  It was over 4 months and you were getting more frustrated as the months went by because you had spent $400 dollars and a significant amount of time, with nothing to show for it.  Then someone convinces you that it's not you but the Network Marketing Opportunity you're in.  So you join another Network Marketing Opportunity at $120 a month, figuring the lost $400 dollars and significant amount of time spent on the last opportunity was just a lesson learned, and so you start the same MADNESS over again.

Look I'm not trying to sit here and convince you that I have all the answers, because I don't.  It's just that I have talked to so many people with this same sad story and after awhile you just want to find away to help as many people as you can get the Financial Freedom they not only want but deserve.

So since I don't have the answer, I just decided to come up with a solution that will work for anyone, and it's called "Downline Team Elite".  The purpose of Downline Team Elite is to build one downline in a Network Marketing Opportunity.  We will combine all of our efforts, talents, and skills together to benefit the entire downline.  Whatever form of advertising we do; be it ads, blogs, pay per click, video or a website, it will all be done to build a single downline.  Don't you think it's time to stop struggling and try something that works?

"Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results" - Albert Einstein

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